Top 50 Java 8 interview Questions and Answers

Top 50 Java 8 interview questions and answers

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Java 8 interview questions and answers! Whether you’re a seasoned Java developer looking to brush up on your knowledge or a newcomer preparing for your first interview, this compilation of the top 50 Java 8 interview questions and answers will provide you with valuable insights and preparation tips.

Java 8, with its significant updates and enhancements, has become a cornerstone in the world of software development. Companies are frequently seek professionals proficient in Java 8 due to its robust features, such as lambda expressions, the Stream API, and the Optional class, which streamline coding practices and improve code readability and efficiency.

In this guide, we’ll delve into a diverse range of topics, covering everything from basic concepts to advanced functionalities. Whether you’re preparing for a job interview or simply seeking to expand your knowledge of Java 8, this resource is designed to equip you with the expertise and confidence needed to excel.

If you are preparing for Java 8 programming interview, then do checkout this.

Let’s dive in and explore the top 50 Java 8 interview questions and answers to help you ace your next interview!

Most Frequently Asked Java 8 Interview Questions

Java 8 Interview Questions for Freshers

Stream API: Provides a fluent, functional-style way of processing collections of objects. Streams facilitate parallel processing, simplifying code and enhancing performance.

Lambda Expressions: A powerful feature that allows the representation of anonymous functions and enables functional programming in Java.

Functional Interfaces: Interfaces with a single abstract method, facilitating the use of lambda expressions. Examples include Runnable, Comparator, and Callable.

Default Methods: Allows interfaces to have concrete methods, providing backward compatibility and enabling the addition of new methods to interfaces without breaking existing implementations.

Optional Class: A container object used to represent a value that may or may not be present. It helps in avoiding null pointer exceptions and encourages cleaner code.

Method References: Simplifies lambda expressions by providing a way to refer to methods or constructors without invoking them explicitly.

New Date and Time API: Introduces the java.time package, which provides classes to represent date, time, duration, and period, offering improved consistency, immutability, and thread safety compared to the previous Date and Calendar classes.

Parallel Array Sorting: Introduces the Arrays.parallelSort() method, allowing arrays to be sorted in parallel, potentially improving performance for large arrays on multi-core systems.

Improved Annotations: Introduces new features for annotations, including repeatable annotations, type annotations, and the ability to use annotations in more contexts.

Nashorn JavaScript Engine: A lightweight, high-performance JavaScript engine integrated into Java, providing seamless interoperability between Java and JavaScript.

These features collectively enhance the functionality, performance, and expressiveness of Java, making it a more modern and versatile programming language.

Lambda expression is a concise way to represent an anonymous function—a function with no name that can be passed around as a parameter to other methods or stored in variables. Lambda expressions facilitate functional programming by allowing you to write code more compactly and expressively, especially when working with collections or implementing interfaces with a single abstract method (functional interfaces).

Here’s a breakdown of the components of a lambda expression:

  1. Parameter List: This specifies the parameters that the lambda expression takes. If there are no parameters, you use empty parentheses ().
  2. Arrow Token (->): The arrow token separates the parameter list from the body of the lambda expression. It can be read as “maps to” or “becomes”.
  3. Body: This contains the code that executes when the lambda expression is invoked. For a single statement, you can omit curly braces {}. For multiple statements, you need to enclose them within curly braces and explicitly use a return statement if the return type is not void.

Here’s the general syntax of a lambda expression:

(parameter1, parameter2, ...) -> { body }

Now, let’s look at some examples to illustrate lambda expressions:

  1. Example with No Parameters:
// Lambda expression to represent a Runnable task
Runnable task = () -> System.out.println("Executing task...");
  1. Example with Single Parameter:
// Lambda expression to represent a Comparator for sorting strings by length
Comparator<String> byLength = (s1, s2) ->, s2.length());
  1. Example with Multiple Parameters:
// Lambda expression to represent a mathematical operation (addition)
MathOperation addition = (int a, int b) -> a + b;
  1. Example with Multiple Statements:
// Lambda expression to represent a function that calculates the square of a number
IntFunction<Integer> square = (int x) -> {
    int result = x * x;
    return result;

Lambda expressions can be used in various contexts, such as with the Stream API, event handling, concurrency utilities, and more. They promote cleaner and more expressive code by eliminating boilerplate code associated with anonymous inner classes and enabling a functional programming style in Java.

The Stream API in Java 8 is a powerful and versatile API for processing collections of data in a functional-style manner. Streams enable you to express complex data processing operations concisely and efficiently, promoting clean and readable code.

Here’s a breakdown of the key concepts and operations provided by the Stream API:

  1. Stream: A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations. Streams do not store data themselves; instead, they operate on the underlying data source (such as collections, arrays, or I/O resources) and produce a result.
  2. Intermediate Operations: These operations are applied to a stream and produce another stream as a result. They include operations such as filter, map, flatMap, sorted, distinct, and more. Intermediate operations are typically lazy, meaning they do not execute until a terminal operation is invoked.
  3. Terminal Operations: These operations consume a stream and produce a result or a side-effect. Examples include forEach, collect, reduce, min, max, count, and anyMatch. Terminal operations trigger the execution of the intermediate operations and the processing of the stream elements.

Here’s a simple example demonstrating how to use the Stream API:

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class StreamExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a list of integers
        List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

        // Example of intermediate operation: filter
        List<Integer> evenNumbers =
                                           .filter(n -> n % 2 == 0) // Keep only even numbers
                                           .collect(Collectors.toList()); // Collect the results into a list

        System.out.println("Even numbers: " + evenNumbers);

        // Example of terminal operation: reduce
        int sum =
                        .reduce(0, (a, b) -> a + b); // Sum all elements
        System.out.println("Sum of all numbers: " + sum);

In this example:

  • We start with a list of integers.
  • We use the filter intermediate operation to keep only the even numbers.
  • We use the collect terminal operation to collect the results into a new list.
  • We use the reduce terminal operation to calculate the sum of all numbers.

The Stream API provides a fluent and declarative way to manipulate collections of data, enabling concise and expressive code that is easier to understand and maintain.

In Java both Streams API and Collections are used to work with groups of objects, but they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics. Here are the main differences between Streams and Collections:

Data Structure:

  • Collection: Collections are data structures that store and manipulate objects. They typically represent a finite set of elements that can be individually accessed using iterators or enhanced for loops.
  • Stream: Streams are not data structures themselves; instead, they represent a sequence of elements that can be processed sequentially or in parallel. Streams are created from collections, arrays, or I/O channels and are designed for bulk data processing.


  • Collection: Collections are mutable, meaning you can add, remove, or modify elements after the collection is created.
  • Stream: Streams are immutable, meaning once created, they cannot be modified. Instead, stream operations produce new streams as output, leaving the original stream unchanged.

Lazy Evaluation:

  • Collection: Collections are eagerly evaluated, meaning all elements are computed and stored when the collection is created or modified.
  • Stream: Streams are lazily evaluated, meaning intermediate operations are not executed until a terminal operation is invoked. This allows for more efficient processing, as only the necessary elements are computed and processed on demand.


  • Collection: Collections do not inherently support parallel processing. However, you can manually parallelize operations using threads or external libraries.
  • Stream: Streams support parallel processing out-of-the-box through the use of parallel streams. Parallel streams automatically distribute processing across multiple threads, improving performance on multi-core processors for operations that can be parallelized.

In summary, while both Streams and Collections are used for working with groups of objects in Java 8, they have different characteristics and serve different purposes. Collections are mutable data structures for storing and manipulating objects, while Streams represent a sequence of elements that can be processed sequentially or in parallel using functional-style operations.

A functional interface is an interface that contains exactly one abstract method. Functional interfaces serve as the cornerstone of lambda expressions and method references, enabling the implementation of functional programming concepts in Java.

Here’s a breakdown of key aspects related to functional interfaces:

  1. Single Abstract Method (SAM): A functional interface must declare only one abstract method. It can have any number of default methods (methods with a default implementation) or static methods, but only one abstract method.
  2. @FunctionalInterface Annotation: While not strictly necessary, it’s a good practice to annotate functional interfaces with the @FunctionalInterface annotation. This annotation ensures that the interface meets the criteria of a functional interface and serves as documentation for users.
  3. Lambda Expressions and Method References: Functional interfaces are used extensively with lambda expressions and method references. Lambda expressions provide a concise way to implement the abstract method of a functional interface, while method references allow you to reference existing methods as implementations of the abstract method.

Here’s an example of a functional interface and its usage with lambda expressions and method references:

interface MathOperation {
    int operate(int a, int b); // Single abstract method

public class FunctionalInterfaceExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Example 1: Using a lambda expression to implement the MathOperation interface
        MathOperation addition = (a, b) -> a + b;
        System.out.println("Result of addition: " + addition.operate(5, 3));

        // Example 2: Using a method reference to implement the MathOperation interface
        MathOperation subtraction = FunctionalInterfaceExample::subtract;
        System.out.println("Result of subtraction: " + subtraction.operate(5, 3));

    // Method referenced by the subtraction functional interface
    public static int subtract(int a, int b) {
        return a - b;

In this example:

  • We define a functional interface MathOperation with a single abstract method operate.
  • We use a lambda expression to implement the MathOperation interface for addition.
  • We use a method reference (FunctionalInterfaceExample::subtract) to implement the MathOperation interface for subtraction.
  • Both the lambda expression and the method reference serve as implementations of the single abstract method defined in the functional interface.

Functional interfaces provide a flexible and concise way to define behavior, making it easier to work with higher-order functions and functional programming constructs in Java. You should know functional interface concept really well, there can be more Java 8 interview questions being asked in interviews on this concept.

In Java 8, several built-in functional interfaces are provided in the java.util.function package to cover common use cases for lambda expressions and method references. Here are some examples of built-in functional interfaces along with their intended purposes:

  1. Predicate:
  • Purpose: Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of one argument.
  • Method: boolean test(T t).
  • Example:
   Predicate<String> isLongerThan5 = s -> s.length() > 5;
   boolean result = isLongerThan5.test("Hello World"); // true
  1. Function:
  • Purpose: Represents a function that accepts one argument and produces a result.
  • Method: R apply(T t).
  • Example:
   Function<Integer, String> intToString = num -> "Number: " + num;
   String result = intToString.apply(10); // "Number: 10"
  1. Consumer:
  • Purpose: Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result.
  • Method: void accept(T t).
  • Example:
   Consumer<String> printUpperCase = str -> System.out.println(str.toUpperCase());
   printUpperCase.accept("hello"); // prints "HELLO"
  1. Supplier:
  • Purpose: Represents a supplier of results.
  • Method: T get().
  • Example:
   Supplier<Double> randomNumber = () -> Math.random();
   double result = randomNumber.get(); // random number between 0.0 and 1.0
  1. UnaryOperator:
  • Purpose: Represents an operation on a single operand that produces a result of the same type as its operand.
  • Method: T apply(T t).
  • Example:
   UnaryOperator<Integer> square = num -> num * num;
   int result = square.apply(5); // 25
  1. BinaryOperator:
  • Purpose: Represents an operation upon two operands of the same type, producing a result of the same type as the operands.
  • Method: T apply(T t1, T t2).
  • Example:
   BinaryOperator<Integer> sum = (a, b) -> a + b;
   int result = sum.apply(3, 5); // 8

These built-in functional interfaces cover a wide range of common use cases and provide a foundation for working with lambda expressions and functional programming constructs in Java. They promote code reusability, readability, and expressiveness by encapsulating common patterns of behavior as functional objects.

In Java, default methods in interfaces were introduced in Java 8 to provide a mechanism for adding new functionality to existing interfaces without breaking existing implementations. Default methods allow interfaces to have method implementations, providing a form of backward compatibility and enabling the addition of new methods to interfaces without forcing all implementing classes to provide an implementation.

Here are the key points about default methods in interfaces:

  1. Method Implementation: Default methods in interfaces provide a default implementation for a method. This means that implementing classes can choose to use the default implementation or override it with their own implementation.
  2. Interface Evolution: Default methods allow interfaces to evolve over time without breaking existing code. New methods can be added to interfaces as default methods, and existing classes that implement the interface will still compile and run without modification.
  3. Diamond Problem Resolution: Default methods help resolve the “diamond problem,” which occurs when a class implements two interfaces with conflicting method signatures. In such cases, the implementing class must provide an explicit implementation to resolve the conflict.
  4. Access Modifiers: Default methods can have public or protected access modifiers. They cannot be marked as private or final, as they are intended to be overridden by implementing classes.
  5. Invocation: Default methods are invoked using the interface name followed by the method name. If a class implements multiple interfaces with default methods having the same signature, the implementing class must provide an explicit implementation to resolve the ambiguity.

Here’s an example to illustrate default methods in interfaces:

interface Vehicle {
    void start(); // Abstract method

    default void stop() {
        System.out.println("Stopping the vehicle"); // Default method

class Car implements Vehicle {
    public void start() {
        System.out.println("Starting the car");

class Bike implements Vehicle {
    public void start() {
        System.out.println("Starting the bike");

    public void stop() {
        System.out.println("Stopping the bike"); // Overriding default method

public class DefaultMethodExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Vehicle car = new Car();
        car.start(); // Output: Starting the car
        car.stop();  // Output: Stopping the vehicle

        Vehicle bike = new Bike();
        bike.start(); // Output: Starting the bike
        bike.stop();  // Output: Stopping the bike

In this example:

  • The Vehicle interface defines an abstract method start() and a default method stop().
  • The Car class implements the Vehicle interface and provides an implementation for the start() method.
  • The Bike class also implements the Vehicle interface but provides its own implementation for the stop() method, overriding the default implementation.
  • In the main() method, we create instances of Car and Bike and invoke their start() and stop() methods.

Consider a scenario where a Java class MyClass implements two interfaces, InterfaceA and InterfaceB. Both InterfaceA and InterfaceB declare default methods with the same signature default void method(). How would you resolve the potential conflict arising from this situation?

In Java, when a class implements multiple interfaces and both interfaces declare default methods with the same signature which will lead to conflict. This situation is commonly referred to as the “diamond problem” because the class hierarchy forms a diamond shape.

To resolve this conflict, Java provides several strategies:

  1. Prioritizing Interface Method: Implementing class can choose to prioritize the default method implementation from one interface over the other.
  2. Override the Default Method: Implementing class can provide its own implementation to override the default method from one or both interfaces.

Here’s how each strategy can be applied, along with examples:

1. Prioritizing Interface Method:

In this approach, the implementing class chooses to prioritize the default method implementation from one interface over the other. This is achieved by explicitly specifying the desired interface method using interface name dot method syntax.

interface InterfaceA {
    default void method() {
        System.out.println("Default method from InterfaceA");

interface InterfaceB {
    default void method() {
        System.out.println("Default method from InterfaceB");

class MyClass implements InterfaceA, InterfaceB {
    // Prioritizing default method from InterfaceA
    public void method() {
        InterfaceA.super.method(); // Prioritizing InterfaceA method

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MyClass obj = new MyClass();
        obj.method(); // Output: Default method from InterfaceA

2. Override the Default Method:

In this approach, the implementing class provides its own implementation to override the default method from one or both interfaces.

interface InterfaceA {
    default void method() {
        System.out.println("Default method from InterfaceA");

interface InterfaceB {
    default void method() {
        System.out.println("Default method from InterfaceB");

class MyClass implements InterfaceA, InterfaceB {
    // Overriding default method from InterfaceA
    public void method() {
        System.out.println("Custom implementation in MyClass");

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MyClass obj = new MyClass();
        obj.method(); // Output: Custom implementation in MyClass

Both the approaches will help to resolve potential conflict and the implementing class provides a clear indication of which default method implementation to use. Depending on the specific requirements and design considerations, either strategy can be employed to address the diamond problem in Java class hierarchies. This is one of the important Java 8 interview questions.

Here are some examples of built-in interfaces in Java that were updated with default methods in Java 8.

  1. java.util.Collection: The Collection interface, which represents a group of objects, introduced default methods like stream(), forEach(), and removeIf() in Java 8.
  2. java.util.List: The List interface, which represents an ordered collection of elements, also received default methods such as sort(), replaceAll(), and indexOf() in Java 8.
  3. java.util.Map: The Map interface, which represents a mapping between keys and values, introduced default methods like computeIfAbsent(), computeIfPresent(), and forEach() in Java 8.
  4. java.util.Set: The Set interface, which represents a collection that contains no duplicate elements, gained default methods like removeIf() and spliterator() in Java 8.
  5. The Stream interface, which represents a sequence of elements, introduced default methods like filter(), map(), and forEach() in Java 8 for functional-style operations on streams

These are all just few of built-in interfaces in Java that were enhanced with default methods in Java 8. Default methods offer additional functionality while maintaining backward compatibility with existing codebases. This is one of the important Java 8 interview questions and answers.

The Optional class was introduced in Java 8 to address the problem of dealing with potentially absent or nullable values in a safer and more expressive manner. The purpose of the Optional class is to provide a container object that may or may not contain a non-null value. It is designed to encourage developers to handle the possibility of null values explicitly, reducing the risk of null pointer exceptions and improving code clarity and reliability.

Here are the key purposes of the Optional class:

  1. Avoidance of Null Pointer Exceptions (NPEs): By wrapping nullable values in an Optional object, developers can use methods provided by the Optional class to safely access the value without risking an NPE. This encourages more defensive programming practices and reduces the likelihood of runtime errors.
  2. Expressive Handling of Absent Values: The Optional class provides methods to explicitly handle the presence or absence of a value. This makes the code more self-explanatory and easier to understand, as it clearly communicates the intention of the programmer in cases where a value may be missing.
  3. Promotion of Functional Programming Practices: The use of Optional encourages a functional programming style by providing methods for chaining operations, such as map, flatMap, and orElse, which allow for more concise and declarative code.
  4. API Design Clarity: The presence of Optional in method signatures signals to users of an API that a value may be optional, prompting them to handle the possibility of null explicitly. This improves the clarity and robustness of API design.

Here’s an example demonstrating the usage of the Optional class:

import java.util.Optional;

public class OptionalExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating an Optional with a non-null value
        Optional<String> optionalString = Optional.of("Hello");

        // Retrieving the value from Optional
        String value = optionalString.get();
        System.out.println("Value: " + value); // Output: Value: Hello

        // Creating an Optional with a null value
        Optional<String> optionalNull = Optional.ofNullable(null);

        // Using methods to handle the presence or absence of a value
        if (optionalNull.isPresent()) {
            System.out.println("Value present: " + optionalNull.get());
        } else {
            System.out.println("Value is absent");

        // Using orElse method to provide a default value if the Optional is empty
        String result = optionalNull.orElse("Default Value");
        System.out.println("Result: " + result); // Output: Result: Default Value

In this example:

  • We create an Optional object with a non-null value using Optional.of.
  • We retrieve the value using the get method, which is safe because we know the value is present.
  • We create another Optional object with a null value using Optional.ofNullable.
  • We use the isPresent method to check if the value is present and handle the cases where it is present or absent.
  • We use the orElse method to provide a default value if the Optional is empty, avoiding the need for null checks.

Method reference is a shorthand syntax for writing lambda expressions that simply call an existing method. Method references provide a concise way to refer to methods without explicitly writing a lambda expression with a single method call. They make code more readable and expressive, especially when working with functional interfaces.

There are four types of method references in Java 8:

  1. Static Method Reference: Reference to a static method using the Class::methodName syntax.
  2. Instance Method Reference: Reference to an instance method of an object using the object::methodName syntax.
  3. Constructor Reference: Reference to a constructor using the Class::new syntax.
  4. Arbitrary Object Method Reference: Reference to an instance method of an arbitrary object of a particular type using the Class::methodName syntax.

Here are examples demonstrating each type of method reference:

  1. Static Method Reference:
// Lambda expression
Function<String, Integer> parseIntLambda = str -> Integer.parseInt(str);

// Method reference
Function<String, Integer> parseIntRef = Integer::parseInt;

// Usage
int result = parseIntRef.apply("123"); // result = 123
  1. Instance Method Reference:
// Lambda expression
Consumer<String> printLambda = str -> System.out.println(str);

// Method reference
Consumer<String> printRef = System.out::println;

// Usage
printRef.accept("Hello, world!"); // prints "Hello, world!"
  1. Constructor Reference:
// Lambda expression
Supplier<ArrayList<String>> arrayListLambda = () -> new ArrayList<>();

// Constructor reference
Supplier<ArrayList<String>> arrayListRef = ArrayList::new;

// Usage
ArrayList<String> list = arrayListRef.get(); // creates a new ArrayList instance
  1. Arbitrary Object Method Reference:
// Instance method of an arbitrary object
StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(", ");
Supplier<StringJoiner> supplier = () -> new StringJoiner(", ");
BiConsumer<StringJoiner, String> addLambda = (strJoiner, str) -> strJoiner.add(str);

// Method reference
BiConsumer<StringJoiner, String> addRef = StringJoiner::add;

// Usage
StringJoiner result = supplier.get();
addRef.accept(result, "Apple");
addRef.accept(result, "Banana");
String joined = result.toString(); // joined = "Apple, Banana"

In each example, the method reference simplifies the syntax compared to the equivalent lambda expression. Method references improve code readability and reduce boilerplate, especially when referring to existing methods with compatible parameter and return types. They are a powerful feature of Java 8’s functional programming capabilities.

Java 8 Interview Questions for Experienced

In Java streams, both map() and flatMap() are intermediate operations used to transform elements in a stream. However, they behave differently, especially when dealing with nested collections or when you want to flatten a stream of collections. Let’s dive into the details of each:


The map() operation is used to transform each element of the stream using a provided function. It applies the given function to each element of the stream and returns a new stream consisting of the results of applying the function to each element. The function passed to map() should return a single value.


List<String> names = Arrays.asList("John", "Alice", "Bob");

// Convert names to uppercase
List<String> upperCaseNames =

System.out.println(upperCaseNames); // Output: [JOHN, ALICE, BOB]

In this example, map() is used to transform each name to uppercase.


The flatMap() operation is used to handle situations where each element in the stream represents multiple elements or another stream. It flattens the stream of collections into a single stream of elements. It applies the provided function to each element of the stream and then flattens the results into a new stream.


List<List<Integer>> numbers = Arrays.asList(
    Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3),
    Arrays.asList(4, 5, 6),
    Arrays.asList(7, 8, 9)

// Flatten the list of lists into a single list
List<Integer> flattenedNumbers =

System.out.println(flattenedNumbers); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

In this example, flatMap() is used to flatten a list of lists into a single list of integers.

  • map() transforms each element of the stream independently, whereas flatMap() can transform each element into zero or more elements, potentially resulting in a stream of different lengths.
  • map() applies a one-to-one mapping, whereas flatMap() applies a one-to-many mapping and then flattens the result into a single stream.

In summary, map() is used for one-to-one transformations, while flatMap() is used for one-to-many transformations, especially when dealing with nested collections or when you want to flatten a stream of collections into a single stream.

The Supplier functional interface in Java represents a supplier of results, meaning it produces a result of a given type without taking any input. It’s part of the java.util.function package introduced in Java 8, and it’s commonly used in scenarios where you need to generate or supply values lazily, on-demand, or where you need to decouple the production of a value from its usage.

Here’s a breakdown of the Supplier interface:

  • Functional Method: The Supplier interface has one abstract method named get(), which doesn’t take any arguments and returns a result of a parameterized type (T).
  • Usage: It’s often used in lazy initialization scenarios, where the value is expensive to compute or where you don’t want to calculate it until it’s needed. It’s also useful in scenarios where you need to pass a method or lambda expression that generates a value but doesn’t take any parameters.


import java.util.function.Supplier;

public class SupplierExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Supplier that generates a random integer
        Supplier<Integer> randomNumberSupplier = () -> (int) (Math.random() * 100);

        // Get a random number
        int randomNumber = randomNumberSupplier.get();
        System.out.println("Random Number: " + randomNumber);

        // Lazy initialization of a string
        Supplier<String> lazyStringSupplier = () -> {
            System.out.println("Generating string...");
            return "Lazy Initialized String";

        // The string is not generated until get() is called
        System.out.println("Before get()");
        String lazyString = lazyStringSupplier.get();
        System.out.println("After get(): " + lazyString);

In this example:

  • We define a Supplier<Integer> called randomNumberSupplier that generates a random integer between 0 and 100.
  • We then call get() on this supplier to get a random number.
  • We also define a Supplier<String> called lazyStringSupplier that lazily initializes a string. The string is only generated when get() is called on the supplier.
  • We demonstrate that the string is not generated until get() is called by printing messages before and after the get() call.

The Supplier interface is handy for scenarios where you need to delay the computation of a value until it’s actually needed or where you want to decouple the production of a value from its usage. It’s a powerful tool in functional programming and can lead to more flexible and efficient code.

The Consumer functional interface in Java represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result. It’s part of the java.util.function package introduced in Java 8, designed to support functional-style operations on streams of elements. Essentially, a Consumer allows you to specify a piece of code that consumes or processes an input without returning anything.

Here are the key points about the Consumer interface:

  • Functional Method: The Consumer interface has one abstract method named accept(T t), which takes an argument of type T and returns void. This method is where you define the operation you want to perform on the input.
  • Usage: It’s commonly used when you want to perform some action on each element in a collection or stream, such as printing elements, updating state, or interacting with external systems.
  • Side Effects: Consumers are often used for their side effects, meaning they modify state or interact with external systems without returning any value. They’re not intended for producing a result, but rather for performing some action.


import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

public class ConsumerExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<String> names = Arrays.asList("John", "Alice", "Bob", "Emily");

        // Using a Consumer to print each name
        Consumer<String> namePrinter = name -> System.out.println(name);

        // Using a lambda expression directly
        names.forEach(name -> System.out.println("Hello, " + name));

        // Using method reference

In this example:

  • We have a list of names.
  • We define a Consumer<String> called namePrinter that prints each name.
  • We use forEach() method on the list to apply the consumer to each element.
  • We demonstrate different ways to create a consumer: using a lambda expression directly, and using a method reference.

The Consumer interface is fundamental in functional programming as it enables you to encapsulate behavior and pass it around as a parameter. It’s particularly useful in scenarios where you need to perform operations on collections or streams of elements without explicitly iterating over them.

The Predicate functional interface in Java represents a boolean-valued function of one argument. It’s part of the java.util.function package introduced in Java 8, aimed at supporting functional-style operations on streams of elements. Essentially, a Predicate allows you to define a condition or test that can be applied to an input, returning either true or false based on the evaluation of that condition.

Here are the key points about the Predicate interface:

  • Functional Method: The Predicate interface has one abstract method named test(T t), which takes an argument of type T and returns a boolean. This method is where you define the condition or test that you want to apply to the input.
  • Usage: Predicates are commonly used for filtering elements in collections or streams based on certain criteria. They allow you to express conditions concisely and declaratively.
  • Composition: Predicates can be combined using logical operators (and, or, negate) to create more complex conditions.


import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class PredicateExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

        // Predicate to test if a number is even
        Predicate<Integer> isEven = number -> number % 2 == 0;

        // Predicate to test if a number is greater than 5
        Predicate<Integer> isGreaterThan5 = number -> number > 5;

        // Predicate to test if a number is less than 5
        Predicate<Integer> isLessThan5 = number -> number < 5;

        // Filter even numbers
               .forEach(System.out::println); // Output: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

        // Chain multiple predicates using logical operators
        Predicate<Integer> isEvenAndGreaterThan5 = isEven.and(isGreaterThan5);
        Predicate<Integer> isLessThan5OrEven = isLessThan5.or(isEven);

        // Filter numbers using composed predicates
               .forEach(System.out::println); // Output: 6, 8, 10
               .forEach(System.out::println); // Output: 2, 4

In this updated example:

  • We define two composed predicates:
    • isEvenAndGreaterThan5: This predicate is created by combining the isEven predicate with the isGreaterThan5 predicate using the and() method.
    • isLessThan5OrEven: This predicate is created by combining the isLessThan5 predicate with the isEven predicate using the or() method.
  • We use these composed predicates to filter the list of numbers in different ways, demonstrating how to apply multiple conditions at once.

Composition of predicates using logical operators (and, or, negate) allows you to create complex conditions by combining simpler predicates. This feature is particularly useful when you need to express compound conditions for filtering elements in collections or streams.

The Function functional interface in Java represents a function that accepts one argument and produces a result. It’s part of the java.util.function package introduced in Java 8, aimed at supporting functional-style operations on streams of elements. Essentially, a Function allows you to define a transformation or computation that takes an input of one type and produces an output of another type.

Here are the key points about the Function interface:

  • Functional Method: The Function interface has one abstract method named apply(T t), which takes an argument of type T and returns a result of type R. This method is where you define the transformation or computation you want to perform on the input.
  • Usage: Functions are commonly used for mapping elements in collections or streams from one type to another, or for performing calculations or transformations on individual elements.
  • Composition: Functions can be composed using the andThen() and compose() methods, allowing you to combine multiple functions into a single function.


import java.util.function.Function;

public class FunctionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Function to double a number
        Function<Integer, Integer> doubleFunction = number -> number * 2;

        // Apply the function to a number
        int result = doubleFunction.apply(5);
        System.out.println("Result: " + result); // Output: 10

        // Function to convert a string to uppercase
        Function<String, String> toUpperCaseFunction = String::toUpperCase;

        // Apply the function to a string
        String upperCaseString = toUpperCaseFunction.apply("hello");
        System.out.println("Uppercase String: " + upperCaseString); // Output: HELLO

        // Compose functions
        Function<Integer, Integer> addOneFunction = number -> number + 1;
        Function<Integer, Integer> multiplyByTwoFunction = number -> number * 2;

        // Compose addOneFunction and multiplyByTwoFunction
        Function<Integer, Integer> composedFunction = addOneFunction.andThen(multiplyByTwoFunction);

        // Apply the composed function
        int composedResult = composedFunction.apply(5);
        System.out.println("Composed Result: " + composedResult); // Output: (5 + 1) * 2 = 12

In this example:

  • We define two functions: doubleFunction to double a number, and toUpperCaseFunction to convert a string to uppercase.
  • We apply these functions to input values using the apply() method.
  • We demonstrate composition of functions by composing addOneFunction and multiplyByTwoFunction into a single function using the andThen() method. The composed function first adds one to the input, and then multiplies the result by two.

The Function interface is versatile it allows you to express transformations and computations in a concise and reusable way. It’s particularly useful for mapping, converting, or transforming elements in collections or streams.

The BiFunction functional interface in Java represents a function that accepts two arguments and produces a result. It’s part of the java.util.function package introduced in Java 8, aimed at supporting functional-style operations on streams of elements. Essentially, a BiFunction allows you to define a transformation or computation that takes two inputs of different types and produces an output of another type.

Here are the key points about the BiFunction interface:

  • Functional Method: The BiFunction interface has one abstract method named apply(T t, U u), which takes two arguments of types T and U, and returns a result of type R. This method is where you define the transformation or computation you want to perform on the inputs.
  • Usage: BiFunctions are commonly used for operations that involve two inputs, such as combining or merging two values, calculating a result based on two inputs, or transforming two inputs into a single output.
  • Examples: Some common use cases of BiFunctions include merging two lists, computing the sum or product of two numbers, or performing calculations based on two inputs.


import java.util.function.BiFunction;

public class BiFunctionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // BiFunction to add two integers
        BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> addFunction = (a, b) -> a + b;

        // Apply the BiFunction to two integers
        int sum = addFunction.apply(5, 3);
        System.out.println("Sum: " + sum); // Output: 8

        // BiFunction to concatenate two strings
        BiFunction<String, String, String> concatenateFunction = (str1, str2) -> str1 + " " + str2;

        // Apply the BiFunction to two strings
        String result = concatenateFunction.apply("Hello", "World");
        System.out.println("Concatenated String: " + result); // Output: Hello World

In this example:

  • We define two BiFunctions: addFunction to add two integers, and concatenateFunction to concatenate two strings.
  • We apply these BiFunctions to pairs of input values using the apply() method.

The BiFunction interface is useful for operations that require two inputs and produce a single output. It provides a flexible and concise way to define computations or transformations involving multiple arguments.

The UnaryOperator functional interface in Java is a specialization of the Function interface. It represents an operation that takes a single input and produces a result of the same type. Essentially, a UnaryOperator is a function that operates on a single argument of a given type and returns a result of the same type.

Here are the key points about the UnaryOperator interface:

  • Functional Method: The UnaryOperator interface extends the Function interface and inherits its abstract method apply(T t). This method takes an argument of type T and returns a result of the same type T. In other words, it transforms a value of type T into another value of the same type T.
  • Usage: UnaryOperators are commonly used for simple transformations or computations where the input and output types are the same. They are particularly useful when you need to apply the same operation to each element of a collection or stream, transforming each element into a new value of the same type.
  • Examples: Some common use cases of UnaryOperators include incrementing or decrementing numeric values, converting values to their absolute or negated form, or applying string transformations such as converting to uppercase or lowercase.


import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;

public class UnaryOperatorExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // UnaryOperator to increment an integer by 1
        UnaryOperator<Integer> incrementByOne = x -> x + 1;

        // Apply the UnaryOperator to an integer
        int result = incrementByOne.apply(5);
        System.out.println("Result: " + result); // Output: 6

        // UnaryOperator to convert a string to uppercase
        UnaryOperator<String> toUpperCase = String::toUpperCase;

        // Apply the UnaryOperator to a string
        String upperCaseString = toUpperCase.apply("hello");
        System.out.println("Uppercase String: " + upperCaseString); // Output: HELLO

In this example:

  • We define two UnaryOperators: incrementByOne to increment an integer by 1, and toUpperCase to convert a string to uppercase.
  • We apply these UnaryOperators to input values using the apply() method.

The UnaryOperator interface provides a convenient way to express simple transformations or computations on single values of the same type. It promotes clean, concise, and readable code, especially when dealing with collections or streams of elements that require uniform transformations.

The BinaryOperator functional interface in Java is a specialization of the BiFunction interface. It represents an operation that takes two inputs of the same type and produces a result of the same type. Essentially, a BinaryOperator is a function that operates on two arguments of a given type and returns a result of the same type.

Here are the key points about the BinaryOperator interface:

  • Functional Method: The BinaryOperator interface extends the BiFunction interface and inherits its abstract method apply(T t, U u). This method takes two arguments of type T and returns a result of the same type T. In other words, it performs a binary operation on two values of type T and produces a result of the same type.
  • Usage: BinaryOperators are commonly used for arithmetic operations, logical operations, or other binary operations where the input and output types are the same. They are particularly useful when you need to combine or operate on two values of the same type, such as adding two numbers, finding the maximum of two values, or performing bitwise operations.
  • Examples: Some common use cases of BinaryOperators include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, finding the maximum or minimum of two values, logical AND, OR, and XOR operations, and bitwise operations such as AND, OR, XOR, and shift operations.


import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;

public class BinaryOperatorExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // BinaryOperator to add two integers
        BinaryOperator<Integer> addFunction = (a, b) -> a + b;

        // Apply the BinaryOperator to two integers
        int sum = addFunction.apply(5, 3);
        System.out.println("Sum: " + sum); // Output: 8

        // BinaryOperator to find the maximum of two integers
        BinaryOperator<Integer> maxFunction = Integer::max;

        // Apply the BinaryOperator to two integers
        int max = maxFunction.apply(10, 20);
        System.out.println("Max: " + max); // Output: 20

In this example:

  • We define two BinaryOperators: addFunction to add two integers, and maxFunction to find the maximum of two integers.
  • We apply these BinaryOperators to pairs of input values using the apply() method.

The BinaryOperator interface provides a convenient way to express binary operations on two values of the same type. It promotes clean, concise, and readable code, especially when dealing with arithmetic operations, logical operations, or other binary operations.

CompletableFuture is a class introduced in Java 8 as part of the java.util.concurrent package. It represents a future result of an asynchronous computation, providing a powerful way to work with asynchronous tasks in Java. CompletableFuture enables you to write non-blocking, asynchronous code in a more readable and maintainable way compared to traditional Java concurrency mechanisms such as Thread and Executor.

Here’s an overview of CompletableFuture and how to create and work with CompletableFuture objects:

Creating a CompletableFuture:

You can create a CompletableFuture in several ways:

  1. Using the supplyAsync() method: This method allows you to asynchronously execute a task and return a CompletableFuture that will be completed when the task is finished. CompletableFuture<String> future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> { // Perform some asynchronous task here return "Result of the asynchronous task"; });
  2. Using the CompletableFuture constructor: You can create a CompletableFuture object using its constructor and then manually complete it later. CompletableFuture<String> future = new CompletableFuture<>(); // Perform some asynchronous task future.complete("Result of the asynchronous task");
Working with CompletableFuture:

Once you have created a CompletableFuture, you can perform various operations on it:

  • Chaining asynchronous operations: You can chain multiple asynchronous operations using methods like thenApply(), thenAccept(), thenCompose(), etc.
CompletableFuture<String> future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
    // Perform some asynchronous task
    return "Hello";
}).thenApply(result -> result + " World");

future.thenAccept(result -> System.out.println(result)); // Output: Hello World

  • Combining multiple CompletableFutures: You can combine multiple CompletableFuture instances using methods like thenCombine(), thenAcceptBoth(), etc.
CompletableFuture<String> future1 = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> "Hello");
CompletableFuture<String> future2 = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> "World");

CompletableFuture<Void> combinedFuture = future1.thenAcceptBoth(future2, (result1, result2) -> {
    System.out.println(result1 + " " + result2); // Output: Hello World

  • Exception handling: You can handle exceptions using methods like exceptionally() or handle().
CompletableFuture<Integer> future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
    // Perform some asynchronous task
    if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Task failed");
    return 42;
}).exceptionally(ex -> {
    System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + ex.getMessage());
    return 0; // Default value

future.thenAccept(result -> System.out.println("Result: " + result));

  • Waiting for completion: You can block and wait for a CompletableFuture to complete using the get() method, or you can use join() for non-checked exceptions.
CompletableFuture<String> future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
    // Perform some asynchronous task
    return "Result of the asynchronous task";

try {
    String result = future.get();
    System.out.println("Result: " + result);
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {

  • Asynchronous task cancellation: You can cancel a CompletableFuture by calling the cancel() method.
CompletableFuture<String> future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
    // Perform some long-running task
    return "Result of the asynchronous task";

// Cancel the CompletableFuture after a certain delay
future.orTimeout(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
      .exceptionally(ex -> {
          System.out.println("Task timed out and was cancelled");
          return null;


CompletableFuture provides a versatile and powerful way to work with asynchronous tasks in Java. It allows you to create, chain, combine, and handle asynchronous tasks in a flexible and expressive manner. With its rich set of methods, you can perform various asynchronous operations, handle exceptions, and control the flow of execution effectively. It’s a valuable tool for writing efficient and scalable asynchronous code in Java applications.

In Java 8, parallel streams were introduced as a feature of the Stream API to enable parallel processing of streams. A parallel stream is a stream that can perform operations concurrently on multiple threads, potentially speeding up the processing of large datasets by utilizing the computational power of multi-core processors.

Concept of Parallel Streams:
  • Parallelism: Parallel streams leverage the concept of parallelism to divide the workload among multiple threads, allowing tasks to be executed simultaneously.
  • Fork-Join Framework: Behind the scenes, parallel streams use Java’s Fork-Join framework to split the stream’s elements into smaller chunks and distribute them across multiple threads for processing.
Advantages of Parallel Streams:
  1. Improved Performance: Parallel streams can significantly improve the performance of stream processing operations, especially for large datasets, by leveraging multi-core processors and executing tasks concurrently.
  2. Effortless Parallelization: Parallel streams allow developers to parallelize stream processing operations without the need for explicit multi-threading code, reducing complexity and making parallelization more accessible.
  3. Automatic Load Balancing: The Fork-Join framework used by parallel streams automatically distributes the workload across threads and balances the computational load, maximizing resource utilization and minimizing idle time.
  4. Transparent Integration: Parallel streams seamlessly integrate with the Stream API, allowing developers to switch between sequential and parallel stream processing with minimal code changes.
Disadvantages of Parallel Streams:
  1. Overhead: Parallel stream processing incurs overhead associated with thread management, task scheduling, and synchronization, which can sometimes outweigh the benefits of parallelism, especially for small datasets or simple operations.
  2. Potential for Thread Contentions: Concurrent access to shared resources or mutable state within parallel stream operations can lead to thread contention issues such as race conditions, deadlocks, or data inconsistencies, requiring careful synchronization or use of thread-safe constructs.
  3. Limited Control: Parallel streams abstract away low-level details of thread management and offer limited control over thread creation, thread pooling, and resource allocation, which may not be suitable for fine-grained control or optimization in certain scenarios.
  4. Complexity of Debugging: Debugging parallel stream operations can be challenging due to the non-deterministic nature of parallel execution, making it harder to trace the flow of execution and diagnose concurrency-related issues.
Example :-

Certainly! Here’s an example demonstrating the use of parallel streams in Java 8 to calculate the sum of squares of numbers from 1 to 10 in both sequential and parallel streams:


public class ParallelStreamExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Sequential stream
        long sequentialSum = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 10)
                                      .mapToLong(i -> square(i))
        System.out.println("Sequential Sum of Squares: " + sequentialSum);

        // Parallel stream
        long parallelSum = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 10)
                                    .parallel() // Convert to parallel stream
                                    .mapToLong(i -> square(i))
        System.out.println("Parallel Sum of Squares: " + parallelSum);

    public static long square(int num) {
        // Simulate a time-consuming operation
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        return num * num;

In this example:

  • We define a method square() that squares a given number. To simulate a time-consuming operation, we introduce a delay of 100 milliseconds using Thread.sleep(100).
  • We use IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 10) to generate a stream of integers from 1 to 10 (inclusive).
  • In the sequential stream case, we map each number to its square using mapToLong() and then calculate the sum using sum().
  • In the parallel stream case, we convert the stream to a parallel stream using parallel(), perform the same mapping and summing operations, but the computation is now done concurrently across multiple threads.
  • Finally, we print the sum of squares calculated in both sequential and parallel streams.

You’ll observe that the parallel stream version will likely complete faster than the sequential stream version due to the concurrent execution of tasks across multiple threads, especially when processing large datasets or performing computationally intensive operations.


Parallel streams in Java 8 provide a convenient and efficient way to harness parallelism for stream processing tasks, offering improved performance and scalability for certain use cases. However, developers should carefully consider the trade-offs and potential pitfalls associated with parallelization, such as overhead, thread contention, and debugging complexity, to ensure that parallel streams are used effectively and appropriately in their applications.

Method chaining in Java 8 streams refers to the practice of invoking multiple stream operations in a sequence, where the result of one operation is passed directly as the input to the next operation. This allows you to express complex data processing pipelines in a concise and readable manner.

Here’s an overview of method chaining in Java 8 streams:

  1. Stream Creation: Method chaining often begins with the creation of a stream from a data source such as a collection, array, or generator function. This is typically done using methods like stream(), parallelStream(), or specific stream creation methods like or Stream.of().
   List<String> names = Arrays.asList("John", "Alice", "Bob", "Emily");

   // Method chaining starts with stream creation
   Stream<String> stream =;
  1. Intermediate Operations: After creating the stream, you can chain intermediate stream operations to transform, filter, or manipulate the stream elements. These operations do not produce a final result immediately but return a new stream that represents the intermediate state of the data processing pipeline.
   // Chaining intermediate operations (filter and map)
   stream.filter(name -> name.length() > 3)
  1. Terminal Operation: Finally, method chaining concludes with a terminal operation, which triggers the execution of the entire stream pipeline and produces a final result. Terminal operations consume the stream and produce a non-stream result such as a value, a collection, or an action like printing.
   // Terminal operation to collect the stream elements into a list
   List<String> filteredAndUpperCaseNames = stream.filter(name -> name.length() > 3)

Key characteristics of method chaining in Java 8 streams:

  • Readability: Method chaining allows you to express complex data processing logic in a fluent and readable manner, with each operation logically connected to the next.
  • Lazy Evaluation: Intermediate operations are lazily evaluated, meaning they are only executed when a terminal operation is invoked. This lazy evaluation strategy allows for efficient processing of large datasets and optimization of resource usage.
  • Immutability: Streams are immutable data structures, so each intermediate operation produces a new stream without modifying the original stream or its source data. This ensures that stream operations are side-effect-free and thread-safe.

Overall, method chaining in Java 8 streams enables you to write concise and expressive code for data processing tasks, leveraging the functional programming features introduced in Java 8.

The peek() method in a Java stream serves as an intermediate operation that allows you to perform a non-destructive action on each element of the stream without altering the elements themselves. Its primary purpose is to enable debugging, logging, or monitoring of stream elements during the stream processing pipeline.

Here’s an overview of the purpose and usage of the peek() method:

  1. Debugging and Logging: You can use peek() to inspect the elements of a stream as they pass through the pipeline, which can be helpful for debugging purposes. For example, you can log the elements, print diagnostic information, or monitor the state of the elements at various stages of the stream processing.
   List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
          .peek(System.out::println) // Print each element
          .map(x -> x * 2)
          .forEach(System.out::println); // Print the processed elements
  1. Side-Effect Operations: Although peek() is primarily intended for debugging and logging, you can also perform certain side-effect operations within peek() if necessary. However, it’s important to use caution when doing so, as side-effects within peek() can make the code less predictable and harder to reason about.
   AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);

   List<String> names = Arrays.asList("John", "Alice", "Bob", "Emily");
        .peek(name -> count.incrementAndGet()) // Increment count for each element

   System.out.println("Count: " + count.get()); // Print the count
  1. Non-Destructive: Unlike certain other stream operations like map() or filter(), peek() does not modify the elements of the stream or produce a new stream with transformed elements. It simply allows you to observe the elements as they pass through the stream pipeline, while leaving the original elements unchanged.

Overall, the peek() method provides a convenient way to add visibility into the intermediate steps of a stream processing pipeline, aiding in debugging, logging, and monitoring of stream elements without altering the stream itself. However, it’s essential to use peek() judiciously and avoid introducing unintended side-effects that may impact the correctness and maintainability of the code.

In Java 8, you can sort elements in a stream using the sorted() method. Here’s how you can do it:

import java.util.Comparator;

public class StreamSortingExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Example stream of strings
        Stream<String> stringStream = Stream.of("banana", "apple", "orange", "grape");

        // Sort the elements in the stream using natural ordering
        Stream<String> sortedStream = stringStream.sorted();
        sortedStream.forEach(System.out::println); // Print sorted elements

        // Example stream of integers
        Stream<Integer> intStream = Stream.of(5, 2, 8, 1, 3);

        // Sort the elements in the stream using a custom comparator
        Stream<Integer> sortedIntStream = intStream.sorted(Comparator.reverseOrder());
        sortedIntStream.forEach(System.out::println); // Print sorted elements in reverse order

In this example:

  • We have a stream of strings and a stream of integers.
  • We use the sorted() method to sort the elements in each stream.
  • For the stream of strings, we use natural ordering, which sorts the strings lexicographically.
  • For the stream of integers, we use a custom comparator (Comparator.reverseOrder()) to sort the integers in reverse order.

In Java 8, you can find the maximum and minimum elements in a stream using the max() and min() methods, respectively, along with a comparator. Here’s how you can do it:

import java.util.Optional;

public class StreamMinMaxExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Example stream of integers
        Stream<Integer> intStream = Stream.of(5, 2, 8, 1, 3);

        // Find the maximum element in the stream
        Optional<Integer> maxElement = intStream.max(Integer::compareTo);
        maxElement.ifPresent(System.out::println); // Print the maximum element

        // Reset the stream (streams cannot be reused)
        intStream = Stream.of(5, 2, 8, 1, 3);

        // Find the minimum element in the stream
        Optional<Integer> minElement = intStream.min(Integer::compareTo);
        minElement.ifPresent(System.out::println); // Print the minimum element

In this example:

  • We have a stream of integers.
  • We use the max() method with a comparator (Integer::compareTo) to find the maximum element in the stream. The comparator compares integers based on their natural order.
  • We use the min() method with the same comparator to find the minimum element in the stream.
  • We use Optional.ifPresent() to handle the case where the maximum or minimum element may not exist in the stream (e.g., if the stream is empty).

The distinct() method in a stream is used to eliminate duplicate elements from the stream. It returns a stream consisting of the distinct elements of the original stream, where “distinct” means that every element appears only once in the resulting stream.

Here’s how you can use the distinct() method:


public class StreamDistinctExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Example stream with duplicate elements
        Stream<String> stringStream = Stream.of("apple", "banana", "apple", "orange", "banana");

        // Use distinct() to eliminate duplicates
        Stream<String> distinctStream = stringStream.distinct();

        // Print distinct elements

In this example:

  • We have a stream of strings containing duplicate elements.
  • We use the distinct() method to obtain a stream with only distinct elements.
  • When the stream is processed and printed, only the unique elements (“apple”, “banana”, “orange”) are output, and duplicates are removed.

The distinct() method relies on the equals() method to determine if two elements are equal. Therefore, for custom objects, you may need to override the equals() method to define equality based on your requirements.

In Java 8 streams, the limit() and skip() methods are used to control the size of the stream by limiting the number of elements processed or skipping a specified number of elements from the beginning of the stream, respectively.

limit(long maxSize):

  • The limit() method is used to restrict the number of elements in the stream to at most maxSize.
  • It returns a stream consisting of the first maxSize elements of the original stream.
  • If the original stream contains fewer than maxSize elements, all elements of the original stream are included in the resulting stream.
Stream<Integer> numbers = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Stream<Integer> limitedStream = numbers.limit(3); // Get the first 3 elements
limitedStream.forEach(System.out::println); // Output: 1, 2, 3

skip(long n):

  • The skip() method is used to skip the first n elements of the stream.
  • It returns a stream consisting of the remaining elements of the original stream after skipping the first n elements.
  • If the original stream contains fewer than n elements, an empty stream is returned.
Stream<Integer> numbers = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Stream<Integer> skippedStream = numbers.skip(2); // Skip the first 2 elements
skippedStream.forEach(System.out::println); // Output: 3, 4, 5

These methods are often used in combination to perform pagination-like operations or to process large streams efficiently by limiting the amount of data processed at any given time.

From Collection to Stream:

  • You can obtain a stream from a collection using the stream() method provided by the Collection interface.
List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Stream<Integer> stream =;

From Array to Stream:

  • You can obtain a stream from an array using the method.
int[] array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
IntStream stream =;

From Stream to Collection:

  • You can collect the elements of a stream into a collection using the collect() method along with a Collector.
Stream<Integer> stream = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
List<Integer> list = stream.collect(Collectors.toList());

From Stream to Array:

  • You can collect the elements of a stream into an array using the toArray() method.
Stream<Integer> stream = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Integer[] array = stream.toArray(Integer[]::new);

These conversion methods are handy for switching between streams and collections when you need to perform different types of operations or utilize APIs that work better with one type over the other.

In Java 8, you can use the Collectors.groupingBy() method to group elements in a stream based on a property. This method is part of the Collectors utility class and allows you to perform grouping operations on elements of a stream. Here’s how you can use it:

Suppose you have a class Person with properties name and age, and you want to group a list of Person objects based on their age:

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class GroupingByExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Example list of Person objects
        List<Person> persons = List.of(
            new Person("Alice", 30),
            new Person("Bob", 25),
            new Person("Charlie", 30),
            new Person("David", 25)

        // Group persons by age
        Map<Integer, List<Person>> groupedByAge =

        // Print the groups
        groupedByAge.forEach((age, people) -> {
            System.out.println("Age: " + age);
            System.out.println("People: " + people);

class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;

    public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
        this.age = age;

    public int getAge() {
        return age;

    public String toString() {
        return name;

In this example:

  • We define a Person class with properties name and age.
  • We create a list of Person objects.
  • We use the groupingBy() collector to group the Person objects by their age property.
  • The resulting groupedByAge map contains age as the key and a list of Person objects with that age as the value.
  • We iterate over the map entries and print the age and corresponding list of people.

The findFirst() and findAny() – The main difference between the two methods is that findFirst() always returns the first element of the stream, while findAny() may return any element from the stream, depending on the stream’s encounter order.

In a sequential stream, findAny() usually returns the first element, but this behavior is not guaranteed. In a parallel stream, findAny() may return any element from the stream, as it is designed to allow for maximal performance in parallel operations.

The findFirst() method, on the other hand, always returns the first element of the stream, even in a parallel stream.

In summary, findFirst() is deterministic and always returns the first element of the stream, while findAny() is non-deterministic and may return any element from the stream, depending on the stream’s encounter order. When working with parallel streams, findAny() can provide performance benefits, while findFirst() is more appropriate when the order of elements is important.

The partitioningBy() method in Java 8 streams is used to partition the elements of a stream into two groups based on a boolean condition. It is a special case of the groupingBy() method where the grouping criterion is a boolean value.

The partitioningBy() method is provided by the Collectors utility class and returns a Collector that partitions the input elements into two groups: one group for elements that satisfy the given predicate (true group) and another group for elements that do not satisfy the predicate (false group). The resulting map has a boolean key (true or false) and a list of elements as the value for each key.

Here’s how you can use the partitioningBy() method:

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class PartitioningByExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Integer> numbers = List.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

        // Partition numbers into even and odd groups
        Map<Boolean, List<Integer>> partitionedNumbers =
            .collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(num -> num % 2 == 0));

        // Print the partitioned groups
        System.out.println("Even numbers: " + partitionedNumbers.get(true));
        System.out.println("Odd numbers: " + partitionedNumbers.get(false));

In this example:

  • We have a list of integers (numbers).
  • We use the partitioningBy() collector to partition the numbers into even and odd groups based on the condition num % 2 == 0.
  • The resulting partitionedNumbers map contains two entries: one for true (even numbers) and another for false (odd numbers).
  • We print the even and odd numbers using the keys of the map.

The partitioningBy() method is useful when you need to divide the elements of a stream into two groups based on a boolean condition, such as separating data into two categories or filtering elements based on a predicate.

In Java 8 streams, the allMatch(), anyMatch(), and noneMatch() methods are terminal operations used to check whether the elements of a stream satisfy certain conditions. These methods return a boolean value indicating whether the condition holds for all, any, or none of the elements in the stream, respectively.

Here’s an explanation of each method:

allMatch(Predicate<? super T> predicate):

  • The allMatch() method returns true if all elements of the stream match the given predicate, and false otherwise.
  • If the stream is empty, allMatch() returns true.
boolean allEven = Stream.of(2, 4, 6, 8, 10).allMatch(num -> num % 2 == 0);
// Output: true, since all elements are even

anyMatch(Predicate<? super T> predicate):

  • The anyMatch() method returns true if any element of the stream matches the given predicate, and false otherwise.
  • If the stream is empty, anyMatch() returns false.
boolean anyEven = Stream.of(1, 3, 5, 6, 7).anyMatch(num -> num % 2 == 0);
// Output: true, since there is at least one even element

noneMatch(Predicate<? super T> predicate):

  • The noneMatch() method returns true if none of the elements of the stream match the given predicate, and false otherwise.
  • If the stream is empty, noneMatch() returns true.
boolean noneNegative = Stream.of(-1, -3, -5, -7).noneMatch(num -> num >= 0);
// Output: true, since none of the elements are non-negative

These methods are useful for performing boolean checks on stream elements, such as verifying whether all elements satisfy a certain condition, whether any element meets a specific requirement, or whether none of the elements fulfill a particular criteria.

Lazy evaluation is a key concept in Java 8 streams that allows for efficient processing of elements in a stream. It means that intermediate operations on a stream are only executed when a terminal operation is invoked, and only for the elements needed to produce the result. This deferred execution optimizes resource usage and improves performance, especially when working with large or infinite streams.

Here’s how lazy evaluation works in Java 8 streams:

Intermediate Operations:

  • Intermediate operations, such as filter(), map(), flatMap(), sorted(), and distinct(), are lazy by nature.
  • When an intermediate operation is called on a stream, it does not immediately process the elements of the stream. Instead, it creates a new stream that represents the result of the operation.

Chaining Operations:

  • Intermediate operations can be chained together to form a pipeline.
  • Each intermediate operation in the pipeline returns a new stream, allowing for a fluent and concise style of programming.

Terminal Operations:

  • Terminal operations, such as forEach(), collect(), reduce(), and count(), trigger the evaluation of the stream pipeline.
  • When a terminal operation is invoked, the intermediate operations in the pipeline are executed sequentially, and the elements of the stream are processed as needed to produce the final result.


  • Lazy evaluation enables short-circuiting behavior in certain terminal operations, such as findFirst(), anyMatch(), allMatch(), and noneMatch().
  • Short-circuiting allows the evaluation to stop as soon as the result is determined, without processing unnecessary elements.

Lazy evaluation in Java 8 streams promotes efficiency and performance by deferring computation until necessary and processing only the elements required to produce the final result. This approach is particularly beneficial when dealing with large datasets or infinite streams, as it minimizes memory consumption and processing overhead.

The Java Streams API, introduced in Java 8, offers several advantages for streamlining and enhancing the processing of collections and data.

Here are some key advantages:

  • Declarative Style: Java Streams API allows for writing code in a more declarative and functional style, which is often more concise, readable, and expressive than traditional imperative code. Streams provide operations that describe what you want to accomplish rather than how to accomplish it, promoting clarity and maintainability.
  • Functional Programming Constructs: Streams support functional programming constructs such as map, filter, reduce, and flatMap, enabling powerful and flexible data transformations and computations. These operations encourage immutability, statelessness, and composability, leading to more modular and reusable code.
  • Lazy Evaluation: Streams use lazy evaluation, meaning that intermediate operations are only executed when necessary and only for the elements needed to produce the final result. Lazy evaluation improves performance by avoiding unnecessary computations, especially when dealing with large or infinite datasets.
  • Parallelism and Concurrency: Streams support parallelism and can leverage multicore processors to perform operations concurrently on portions of the stream. The parallel processing capabilities of streams can significantly improve performance for CPU-intensive tasks and data processing tasks.
  • Efficient and Streamlined Operations: Streams provide a rich set of predefined operations for common data processing tasks, such as filtering, mapping, sorting, and aggregating elements. These operations are optimized for performance and are executed in a consistent and predictable manner, reducing the need for custom code and boilerplate.
  • Integration with Collections: Streams seamlessly integrate with Java collections and arrays, allowing for easy conversion between streams and collections. This integration enables a smooth transition from traditional collection-based processing to stream-based processing, making it easier to refactor existing code.

In Java 8, you can create an infinite stream using various methods provided by the Stream interface and the Stream static factory methods. Here are some common ways to create an infinite stream:

Using Stream.iterate():

  • The Stream.iterate() method allows you to generate an infinite stream by repeatedly applying a function to produce the next element in the stream.
  • Syntax: Stream<T> iterate(T seed, UnaryOperator<T> f)

Example: Generating an infinite stream of even numbers starting from 0

Stream<Integer> evenNumbers = Stream.iterate(0, n -> n + 2);

Using Stream.generate():

  • The Stream.generate() method allows you to generate an infinite stream by repeatedly invoking a supplier to produce elements.
  • Syntax: Stream<T> generate(Supplier<T> s)

Example: Generating an infinite stream of random numbers

Stream<Double> randomNumbers = Stream.generate(Math::random);

Using IntStream.iterate() or LongStream.iterate():

  • The IntStream.iterate() and LongStream.iterate() methods are specialized versions of Stream.iterate() for generating streams of primitive int and long values, respectively.
  • Syntax: IntStream iterate(int seed, IntUnaryOperator f) or LongStream iterate(long seed, LongUnaryOperator f)

In Java 8 streams, handling exceptions can be a bit tricky due to the limitations of lambda expressions and the absence of checked exceptions in functional interfaces. However, there are few approaches you can take to handle exceptions effectively in stream processing:

Try-Catch Block Inside Stream Operations:

You can use a try-catch block inside stream operations to handle exceptions locally. However, this approach can make the code less readable and may violate the functional programming principles.

List<String> strings = Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3", "not a number", "4");
       .map(str -> {
           try {
               return Integer.parseInt(str);
           } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
               return null; // or handle the exception accordingly

Safe method extraction

Which involves extracting the try-catch block in a separate method that handles the exception and returns the default value when such an exception occurs. This method can then be used in the stream operations.For example, to safely read a string from a file path, you can extract the try-catch block in a separate method:

public class FileUtils {
    public static String safeReadString(Path path) {
        try {
            return Files.readString(path);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return null;

You can then use above method in the stream operations:

List<String> fileContents =

In Java 8, the IntStream, LongStream, and DoubleStream interfaces are specialized primitive streams designed to handle streams of primitive integer, long, and double values, respectively.
These interfaces provide additional methods like sum(), average(), min(), max(), map(), filter(), reduce(), forEach(), toArray(), and more.


The IntStream interface represents a sequence of primitive integer values (int).
It provides various methods for performing numerical operations, such as summing, averaging, finding minimum and maximum values, mapping, filtering, and reducing.

IntStream numbers = IntStream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
int sum = numbers.sum(); // Computes the sum of elements


The LongStream interface represents a sequence of primitive long values (long).
It offers similar methods to IntStream for performing numerical operations on long values.

LongStream numbers = LongStream.of(100L, 200L, 300L, 400L, 500L);
long sum = numbers.sum(); // Computes the sum of elements


The DoubleStream interface represents a sequence of primitive double values (double).

DoubleStream numbers = DoubleStream.of(1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5);
double sum = numbers.sum(); // Computes the sum of elements

These specialized primitive streams allow for efficient and concise processing of numerical data without the overhead of boxing and unboxing primitive values to their corresponding wrapper types.

In Java 8, you can convert a stream of objects to a stream of primitives using the mapToXxx() methods available in the primitive streams (IntStream, LongStream, DoubleStream). These methods allow you to map each element of the input stream to a primitive value.

Using mapToXxx() methods:

  • You can use the mapToXxx() methods, where Xxx represents the primitive type (int, long, or double). These methods perform a mapping operation that converts each element of the input stream to a corresponding primitive value.
List<String> strings = Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3", "4", "5");

// Convert a stream of strings to an IntStream of integers
IntStream intStream =

// Convert a stream of strings to a DoubleStream of doubles
DoubleStream doubleStream =

// Convert a stream of strings to an IntStream of integers
IntStream intStream =

In Java 8 streams, the joining() collector is used to concatenate the elements of a stream into a single String. It is a convenient way to concatenate the string representations of elements in a stream, with optional delimiters, prefix, and suffix.

Here’s an explanation of the joining() collector:

Concatenating Elements into a String:

  • The joining() collector concatenates the elements of a stream into a single String, using an optional delimiter, prefix, and suffix.
  • If the stream is empty, the resulting String will also be empty.
  • The elements are converted to strings using their toString() method before concatenation.


  • The joining() collector is a static method in the Collectors utility class.
  • Syntax: Collectors.joining()
  • Overloaded methods allow you to specify the delimiter, prefix, and suffix.
  • Example:
List<String> strings = Arrays.asList("Java", "is", "fun");

// Concatenate elements with a delimiter
String result1 =", "));
// Output: "Java, is, fun"

// Concatenate elements with a delimiter, prefix, and suffix
String result2 =", ", "[", "]"));
// Output: "[Java, is, fun]"

Customizing Delimiter, Prefix, and Suffix:

  • You can customize the delimiter, prefix, and suffix according to your requirements by providing them as arguments to the joining() method.
  • Delimiter: Specifies the separator between elements (default is an empty string).
  • Prefix: Specifies the string to prepend before the joined elements (default is an empty string).
  • Suffix: Specifies the string to append after the joined elements (default is an empty string).

Use Cases:

  • The joining() collector is useful for constructing CSV strings, generating log messages, formatting textual output, and more.
  • It simplifies the concatenation of elements in a stream without the need for manual iteration or string concatenation operations.

Overall, the joining() collector provides a concise and efficient way to concatenate the elements of a stream into a single string with customizable delimiters, prefix, and suffix, facilitating string manipulation and formatting tasks in Java 8 streams.

In Java 8, you can compose multiple functions together using the andThen() and compose() methods provided by the Function interface. These methods allow you to chain multiple functions together to create a new function that applies the transformations sequentially.

Using andThen():

  • The andThen() method combines two functions sequentially, applying the first function followed by the second function.
  • Syntax: default <V> Function<T, V> andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V> after)
Function<Integer, Integer> multiplyBy2 = x -> x * 2;
Function<Integer, Integer> add3 = x -> x + 3;

Function<Integer, Integer> multiplyBy2AndThenAdd3 = multiplyBy2.andThen(add3);

int result = multiplyBy2AndThenAdd3.apply(5); // Result: (5 * 2) + 3 = 13

Using compose():

  • The compose() method combines two functions sequentially, applying the second function followed by the first function.
  • Syntax: default <V> Function<V, R> compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T> before)
Function<Integer, Integer> multiplyBy2 = x -> x * 2;
Function<Integer, Integer> add3 = x -> x + 3;

Function<Integer, Integer> add3AndThenMultiplyBy2 = multiplyBy2.compose(add3);

int result = add3AndThenMultiplyBy2.apply(5); // Result: (5 + 3) * 2 = 16

Chaining Multiple Compositions:

  • You can chain multiple function compositions together to create complex transformations.
Function<Integer, Integer> multiplyBy2 = x -> x * 2;
Function<Integer, Integer> add3 = x -> x + 3;
Function<Integer, Integer> subtract1 = x -> x - 1;

Function<Integer, Integer> composedFunction = multiplyBy2.andThen(add3).andThen(subtract1);

int result = composedFunction.apply(5); // Result: ((5 * 2) + 3) - 1 = 12

These methods allow you to create pipelines of transformations by composing multiple functions together, enabling a functional programming style with clear and concise code. You can compose functions in a way that best suits your application’s requirements and logic.

Handling null values in Java 8 streams requires careful consideration to avoid NullPointerExceptions and ensure consistent behavior in stream processing. Here are few approaches to handle null values when working with Java 8 streams:

Filtering Out Null Values:

  • Use the filter() method to exclude null values from the stream before performing further operations.
List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a", null, "b", null, "c");
    .forEach(System.out::println); // Output: a, b, c

Replacing Null Values with Default Values or Custom Null Value Handling:

  • Use the map() method to replace null values with default values or transform them as needed.
List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a", null, "b", null, "c");
    .map(value -> value != null ? value : "default")
    .forEach(System.out::println); // Output: a, default, b, default, c
    .map(value -> value != null ? value.toUpperCase() : "N/A")
    .forEach(System.out::println); // Output: A, N/A, B, N/A, C

By applying these approaches, you can effectively handle null values in Java 8 streams while ensuring robustness and consistency in stream processing. Choose the approach that best fits your use case and requirements.

In Java 8, the Comparator interface received several enhancements and new methods to support functional programming paradigms and simplify comparator implementations. These changes provide more flexibility and expressiveness when working with comparators. Here are the key changes introduced in Java 8:

Default and Static Methods:

  • Java 8 introduced default and static methods to the Comparator interface, allowing for the creation of comparators using lambda expressions and method references more conveniently.
  • Default methods such as comparing(), thenComparing(), and reversed() provide fluent API-style chaining for comparator composition.
  • Static methods such as naturalOrder(), reverseOrder(), and nullsFirst() provide convenient factory methods for creating comparators.
Comparator<Person> byName = Comparator.comparing(Person::getName);
Comparator<Person> byAge = Comparator.comparingInt(Person::getAge);
Comparator<Person> byNameThenAge = byName.thenComparing(byAge);

Lambda Expressions and Method References:

  • Comparator objects can be created using lambda expressions and method references directly, making comparator implementations more concise and readable.
  • Lambda expressions can be used for simple comparisons, while method references can be used to refer to existing comparison methods or functions.
Comparator<String> byLength = (s1, s2) ->, s2.length());
Comparator<String> byLengthReversed = Comparator.comparingInt(String::length).reversed();

Chaining Comparators:

  • The thenComparing() method allows chaining multiple comparators together to define secondary or tertiary sorting criteria.
  • This method can be called after the initial comparison to establish a secondary order based on another attribute.
Comparator<Person> byNameThenAge = Comparator.comparing(Person::getName)

Null-Friendly Comparators:

  • Java 8 introduced nullsFirst() and nullsLast() methods to handle null values gracefully when comparing objects.
  • These methods ensure that null values are treated appropriately, either coming before or after non-null values in the sorting order.
Comparator<Person> byNameThenAge = Comparator.comparing(Person::getName)

These changes in Java 8 provide more concise and expressive ways to create comparators, compose comparator chains, and handle null values effectively, leading to cleaner and more readable code when working with sorting and comparison operations.

The String.join() method was introduced in Java 8. It is a static method in the java.lang.String class that allows you to concatenate multiple strings into a single string using a specified delimiter. This method simplifies the process of joining strings compared to using concatenation with the + operator or StringBuilder. Here’s an example of how String.join() works:

String result = String.join("-", "apple", "banana", "cherry");
System.out.println(result); // Output: "apple-banana-cherry"

In this example, the strings “apple”, “banana”, and “cherry” are joined together using the delimiter “-“, resulting in the string “apple-banana-cherry”. You can pass any number of strings as arguments to String.join(), and they will be concatenated with the specified delimiter between them. This method is particularly handy when you need to construct strings from multiple parts, such as when formatting output or constructing CSV data.

The Comparator interface in Java is indeed a functional interface, which means it has only one abstract method. However, it appears to have two abstract methods, compare(T o1, T o2) and equals(Object obj). The reason for this is that the equals(Object obj) method is not actually an abstract method of the Comparator interface, but rather an abstract method inherited from the Object class, which is the superclass of all classes in Java.

When determining whether an interface is a functional interface, any inherited public methods from the Object class are not counted. Therefore, the Comparator interface only has one abstract method, compare(T o1, T o2), and is a functional interface.

This is why the Comparator interface can be used as a functional interface with lambda expressions, as shown in the example code:

Comparator<Integer> comparator = (i1, i2) ->, i2);

The Comparator interface is useful for defining sorting in a user-defined class, and it is a functional interface, even though it contains two abstract methods. The second abstract method, equals(Object obj), is not counted since it is inherited from the Object class, and any implementation of the interface will have an implementation from the Object class or elsewhere. Therefore, the Comparator interface only has one abstract method, compare(T o1, T o2), and meets the definition of a functional interface.

MetaSpace is the replacement for the PermGen space in Java 8. PermGen was a special heap space separate from the main memory heap where class metadata, such as static variables, byte code, and JIT information, was stored. However, PermGen had a fixed maximum size, which could lead to OutOfMemoryError issues.

In contrast, MetaSpace uses native memory for the representation of class metadata and is not part of the Java heap space. This means that the Metaspace size can auto-increase in native memory as required to load class metadata if not restricted with -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize. The garbage collector automatically triggers the cleaning of the dead classes and classloaders once the class metadata usage reaches its maximum metaspace size.

The main difference between PermGen and MetaSpace is that MetaSpace by default auto-increases its size, while PermGen always has a fixed maximum size. Additionally, garbage collection is optimized with the introduction of MetaSpace.

MetaSpace has several tuning options, such as -XX:MetaspaceSize, -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize, -XX:InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSize, -XX:MinMetaspaceFreeRatio, -XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio, -XX:MinMetaspaceExpansion, and -XX:MaxMetaspaceExpansion, which can be used to control the behavior of the Metaspace.

In summary, MetaSpace is a new memory space introduced in Java 8 that replaces the older PermGen memory space, offering substantial memory improvements in JVM by default auto-increasing its size while PermGen always has a fixed maximum size.

Yes, a functional interface can extend another interface, but it can only contain one abstract method. If the parent interface has more than one abstract method, the child interface cannot extend it and implement the functional interface annotation. However, if the parent interface has no abstract methods or only default or static methods, the child interface can extend it without any issues.

For example, if we have a functional interface named “FunctionalInterfaceOne” with one abstract method “someMethod” and another interface named “InterfaceTwo” with no abstract methods, “FunctionalInterfaceOne” can extend “InterfaceTwo” and implement the functional interface annotation.

public interface FunctionalInterfaceOne {
    void someMethod();

public interface InterfaceTwo {
    // No abstract methods

public interface FunctionalInterfaceOne extends InterfaceTwo {
    void someMethod();

On the other hand, if “InterfaceTwo” has one abstract method, “FunctionalInterfaceOne” cannot extend “InterfaceTwo” and implement the functional interface annotation, as it would result in a compilation error due to having more than one abstract method.

public interface InterfaceTwo {
    void someMethod();

public interface FunctionalInterfaceTwo extends InterfaceTwo {
    void someOtherMethod();

Java 8 introduced several significant memory-related changes and improvements, including enhancements to the garbage collector, the introduction of the Metaspace, and improvements to the memory management model. Here are some of the key memory changes that occurred in Java 8:


  • Java 8 replaced the Permanent Generation (PermGen) with Metaspace for class metadata storage.
  • Metaspace is a native memory area that dynamically adjusts its size based on the application’s needs and available system memory.
  • Unlike PermGen, which had a fixed size and was prone to OutOfMemoryError issues, Metaspace is managed more efficiently and is less likely to cause memory-related problems.

Garbage Collector Enhancements:

  • Java 8 introduced the G1 (Garbage First) garbage collector as the default garbage collector.
  • G1 is designed to provide more predictable garbage collection pauses and better overall performance compared to previous garbage collectors like the Concurrent Mark-Sweep (CMS) collector.
  • G1 divides the heap into regions and uses concurrent, incremental, and parallel algorithms to perform garbage collection, leading to shorter and more predictable pause times.

Compressed Strings:

  • Java 8 introduced the concept of compressed strings to reduce the memory footprint of strings containing only ASCII characters.
  • Compressed strings store characters as bytes instead of UTF-16 characters, resulting in reduced memory usage for strings that primarily consist of ASCII characters.
  • This optimization benefits applications that handle large volumes of string data, such as text processing applications and web servers.

String Interning Improvements:

  • Java 8 made improvements to the string interning mechanism to reduce memory overhead and improve performance.
  • String literals are automatically interned by the JVM to reduce memory usage when multiple strings with the same value are created.
  • Java 8 introduced the -XX:+UseStringDeduplication option to enable string deduplication, which further reduces memory usage by identifying and eliminating duplicate strings at runtime.

Streamlining JVM Options:

  • Java 8 introduced several changes to JVM options and flags to streamline memory management and improve performance.
  • For example, the PermGen-related options (-XX:PermSize, -XX:MaxPermSize) were deprecated in favor of Metaspace-related options (-XX:MetaspaceSize, -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize).
  • Additionally, new options were introduced to control string deduplication (-XX:+UseStringDeduplication) and enable/disable specific garbage collectors (-XX:+UseG1GC, -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC, etc.).

These memory changes in Java 8 aimed to improve the overall performance, reliability, and scalability of Java applications by optimizing memory usage, enhancing garbage collection algorithms, and introducing new memory management features.

Java 8 introduced several changes and enhancements to the HashMap class to improve performance, reliability, and usability. Some of the notable changes in Java 8 related to HashMap include:

Tree-based implementation for large buckets:

  • In Java 8, when a HashMap bucket contains a large number of elements (threshold exceeding 8), instead of using a linked list to store elements, it switches to a balanced tree structure (Red-Black Tree) to maintain performance in scenarios with large collisions.
  • This change improves the worst-case time complexity of operations such as put, get, and remove from O(n) to O(log n), making these operations more efficient for large buckets.

Optimized put operation for small maps:

  • In Java 8, the put operation for small HashMap instances (up to 8 elements) has been optimized to use a simpler and more efficient implementation, avoiding unnecessary tree-based operations.
  • This optimization reduces the overhead of maintaining balanced trees for small maps and improves performance for common use cases.

Enhanced forEach method:

  • Java 8 introduced a new forEach method in the HashMap class, allowing you to iterate over key-value pairs more conveniently using lambda expressions.
  • The forEach method accepts a BiConsumer functional interface, which enables you to specify an action to be performed on each key-value pair in the map.
Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(1, "One");
map.put(2, "Two");
map.put(3, "Three");
map.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println(key + " -> " + value));

computeIfAbsent and computeIfPresent methods:

  • Java 8 introduced the computeIfAbsent and computeIfPresent methods in the Map interface, which are now available in HashMap.
  • These methods allow you to compute a new value based on the key if it is absent or present in the map, respectively, providing a convenient way to perform conditional updates.
Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(1, "One");
map.computeIfAbsent(2, key -> "Two"); // Computes and adds "Two" if key 2 is absent
map.computeIfPresent(1, (key, value) -> value.toUpperCase()); // Computes and updates value to uppercase if key 1 is present

These enhancements in Java 8 improve the performance, usability, and functionality of the HashMap class, making it more efficient and convenient for common use cases in Java applications.

The variable inside a lambda function is required to be final or effectively final in Java 8 due to the way lambda expressions capture values. This requirement ensures that the lambda expression can only use local variables whose values do not change after they are first assigned. This restriction is known as “variable capture.”

In Java 8, lambda expressions can only use local variables that are final or effectively final. An effectively final variable is one whose value does not change after it is first assigned. This restriction is in place to prevent concurrency issues that may arise if the lambda expression were to access dynamically-changing local variables.

By enforcing that variables used in lambda expressions are final or effectively final, Java ensures that the lambda expression can safely capture and use these variables without the risk of unexpected changes in their values. This requirement helps maintain the integrity and predictability of lambda expressions in Java 8.

In Java streams, intermediate operations are used to transform or filter the elements of a stream, while terminal operations produce a result or side-effect. Some of the most common intermediate and terminal operations used in Java streams are:

Intermediate Operations:

  1. filter(Predicate): Filters the elements of the stream based on a given predicate.
  2. map(Function): Applies a function to each element of the stream, producing a new stream of transformed elements.
  3. flatMap(Function): Flattens a stream of streams into a single stream by applying a function to each element and then merging the resulting streams.
  4. distinct(): Removes duplicate elements from the stream.
  5. sorted(): Sorts the elements of the stream in natural order.
  6. limit(long): Limits the size of the stream to the specified number of elements.
  7. skip(long): Skips the specified number of elements from the beginning of the stream.
  8. peek(Consumer): Performs an action on each element of the stream without affecting its elements.

Terminal Operations:

  1. forEach(Consumer): Performs an action for each element of the stream.
  2. collect(Collector): Collects the elements of the stream into a collection using the specified collector.
  3. toArray(): Collects the elements of the stream into an array.
  4. reduce(BinaryOperator): Reduces the elements of the stream to a single value using the specified binary operator.
  5. count(): Returns the number of elements in the stream as a long value.
  6. min(Comparator): Returns the minimum element of the stream according to the specified comparator.
  7. max(Comparator): Returns the maximum element of the stream according to the specified comparator.
  8. anyMatch(Predicate): Returns true if any element of the stream matches the given predicate.
  9. allMatch(Predicate): Returns true if all elements of the stream match the given predicate.
  10. noneMatch(Predicate): Returns true if no elements of the stream match the given predicate.

These are some of the most commonly used intermediate and terminal operations in Java streams. They allow for efficient and expressive data processing pipelines, enabling developers to manipulate and process collections of data with ease.

Both Predicate and Function are functional interfaces introduced in Java 8 that are used to represent functions. However, they serve different purposes and have different characteristics:


  • The Predicate<T> interface represents a boolean-valued function of one argument.
  • It is commonly used to test whether an object of type T satisfies a given condition.
  • The test(T t) method of the Predicate interface takes an argument of type T and returns a boolean value indicating whether the given object satisfies the predicate’s condition.
  • Predicates are typically used for filtering elements in streams, conditional checks, and other scenarios where a boolean condition needs to be evaluated.


  • The Function<T, R> interface represents a function that accepts one argument of type T and produces a result of type R.
  • It is a more general-purpose functional interface used for mapping, transforming, or converting objects from one type to another.
  • The apply(T t) method of the Function interface takes an argument of type T and returns a result of type R.
  • Functions are commonly used for data transformation, such as converting objects to different representations, applying calculations, or extracting information from objects.
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